Trust in the process — 30 seconds at a time

I started at running 30 seconds at time...

Trust in the process — 30 seconds at a time

I started Week 4 of None to Run today, and it's basically 90 seconds of running (1 minute 30 seconds) with 2-minute walks in between. So I ran 90 seconds seven times.

Now, I started running on May 7th — 20 days ago. It was a 30 second run with 2-minute walk intervals.

Three weeks later, I'm running one minute longer per interval. And I'm not hurt, not exhausted, not hating life.

Each week as the challenge gets progressively harder, I feel hesitant. Nervous even. Because I've been doing so well each week, I'm afraid I'll hit that plateau where I can't go 30 seconds longer than I should be able to.

And yet, so far, the training has been working.

That, and I realized — so what if I hit that plateau? What does that mean anyway? That I have to re-do the previous week so I can build up my strength? Take a week or two longer than expected?

Big deal.

I'm happy. I'm thriving. I'm loving the run!

Each time I run I keep on waiting for that familiar shortness of breath and the muscle pains that come after 10 seconds — but it doesn't come anymore.

My body has begun to adapt to my running.

All by starting with running 30 seconds at a time. It's incredible.

Here I am today:

This is the positive feedback that I needed. Slow and gentle progress. So against my personality, but I know better now (yay for maturity). This is me slowing down, enjoying the journey, and progressing at a safe pace.

I can't wait to see what I'll accomplish in a few months.

Have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend, my friends, and thank you for joining me in my running journey.