The weight training problem that shouldn't be a problem

Just whining over here.

The weight training problem that shouldn't be a problem
Photo by Sven Mieke on Unsplash

Today is supposed to be a rest day with optional cross-training.

I always do some sort of training.

But today I didn't (Ok save for some inclined pushups and squats).


Is it because I didn't have time?

An emergency?

Was I hurt?

Work or family duties?


It's because I didn't know what to do per se.

One of my strongest suits and faults is perfectionism. I try to do things right from the very beginning.

Lately, that perfectionist obsession was focused on doing the best weight training for distance runners. Oh, and I found it. It's Jason Fitzgerald's High Performance program.

The problem?

I need a weight rack but don't have space for it. I live in a small house shared with other people.

So now I'm paralyzed.

And I can't do anything else because the ideal program workout is not the one I'm doing.

It's stupid, I know.

On one side I have fresh legs for tomorrow's run. But then, I feel like this is such a lost opportunity.

I'll likely face worse issues once I start my marathon training block for real.

For now, I'm trying to find more accessible alternatives to calm my mind and my desire to do the perfect weight training for runners.

Just sharing some first world problems and frustrations with y'all.

P.S. On another positive note, I'm on day 13 of my sugar-free diet experiment.