Something I've always wanted to do: 75 Hard

Starting 75 Hard today. I think this is attempt #6...

Something I've always wanted to do: 75 Hard
Photo by Marcel Eberle / Unsplash

I've attempted 75 Hard so many times — I think at least five times — and have gone only up to day 3.

Perhaps this time it's going to be different because I have running now.

The outdoor workout has always been the hardest part for me, but not anymore. On days that I don't run, I can walk. Problem solved.

Diet: Carnivore (meats, seafood, eggs, dairy)

Water: I'm grateful to have easy access to good, clean drinking water

Workouts: Running, walking, indoor cycling, strength training, body weight exercises, etc.

Books: Usually Catholic books (Bible, Thomas A Kempis, Scott Hahn, etc.)

Picture: The timer on my camera is finally getting some use

OK the details are sorted out. But the elephant is still in the room...

Why do 75 Hard?

It's simply me gamifying my health and fitness journey—in the hopes that it helps me build discipline and solid consistency.

I've always known (and recently affirmed) that I do well when I use my compulsion for checking off boxes and achieving something from them.

The two-week Dr. Berg challenge to quit sugar? That was darn easy. (But when the challenge ended? My motivation disappeared too.)

How was I able to stick to the None to Run training for six weeks now? The app uses checkboxes. Thank God they have a 5K and 10K program. And I believe a Half-Marathon program is coming out soon too. Woohoo!

I'm playing to my strengths.

I've figured out the hard parts, so now it's just a matter of sticking to the program.

How will this affect my running training?

75 Hard can only help make my journey better.

Cross-training? Check!

Better diet? Check!

Drinking more water? Check!

Reading books about the Lord and maybe even business? Check and check!

I hope to become stronger, healthier, more disciplined, and overall a better athlete at the end of 75 days (and beyond).

Today is day one! Wish me luck, my friends!