Oh how the mighty has fallen!

Oh I failed.

Oh how the mighty has fallen!
Photo by Kajetan Sumila / Unsplash

A few days ago I wrote about my 75 Hard journey.

How I'm thriving and it's easy and that I'm going to finish it.

So of course I failed 😂 (Almost two weeks in! Ugh!)

The downfall? A snack.

The second downfall? Bad time management and not getting in a second workout.

It's been three days.

The slump continued today when I didn't go for a run.

I'm back on the train now and will do better.

But I'm seriously reconsidering 75 Hard.

Coz it's hard.

Then again, that's the whole point.

It's too late to start now.

Starting tomorrow.

Failure is part of the journey. I expect to fail some more.